Failed supernova

Star that dies but does not explode

A failed supernova, also known as an unnova, is the opposite of a supernova. When a large enough star runs out of fuel, it turns into a red supergiant. When these stars die, they cause an incredible explosion. This is a supernova. In the case of a failed supernova, the star will just collapse into a black hole. It does not explode into a supernova.[1]

Failed supernovas may be a cause of rogue planets.[2] Rogue planets are planets without a star.

References change

  1. "How the Universe Works: Stars That Kill". Retrieved 2022-05-04.
  2. "What is an Unnova ?". Universe guide. 17 February 2019 [last updated 19 March 2022]. Retrieved 2022-03-20.