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Paean is a song (or expression) of thanksgiving, triumph, healing or praise.

Paean, Paeeon, Paeëon, Paeon, Paian, Paieon, or Paion (from the Ancient Greek Παιάν, Παιήων, or Παιών) may be:

Greek mythology change

Places change

  • Paion, a Greek municipality in the prefecture of Achaea
  • Paion (Thrace), the ancient Greek city in Thrace

People change

  • Paeon of Amathus, an early Hellenistic historian from Amathus on the island of Cyprus

Other uses change

  • Paeon (prosody), a metrical foot with four syllables, where one of the syllables is short and the other three are long
  • Paeon diagyios, another name for the metrical foot cretic or amphimacer, with three syllables: long, short, long