Rose (name)

female given name

Rose [ rohz ][1] is a female given name based on the flower. The name "Rose" has been a popular choice for baby girls for centuries due to its timeless and attractive qualities. The name originates from the Latin term "rosa," which refers to the flower known as the "rose." Throughout history, "Rose" has been associated with the concepts of love, beauty, and purity, making it a meaningful and symbolic option for parents searching for a name for their daughter.[2] This name was ranked #116 on the US Popular Names in 2021.[3]

Origin change

This feminine name comes from a late Latin word rosa.

Variants change

There are many variants. One of them is Rosemary.

Uses change

The name Rose is currently under List One of the Atlantic tropical cyclone names.

People change

References change

  1. "Definition of rose |". Retrieved 2023-04-08.
  2. "Rose name Meaning and Origin". Retrieved 2023-04-08.
  3. OACT. "Popular Baby Names". Retrieved 2023-04-08.