Talk:The Phantom of the Opera

In The Phantom of the Opera, a young singer, Christine, is charmed by a mysterious specter who haunts the Paris Opera house. The musical's tale begins as unexplained accidents have been occurring throughout the Paris Opera, and the stuck-up diva, Carlotta, refuses to go on. Christine takes her place and is a triumph. At her opening night, she meets her childhood friend, Raoul. Alone in her dressing room, she finally meets the Phantom who has taught her to sing so beautifully. Taking her to his lair in the misty catacombs beneath the Opera House, the Phantom declares his love for Christine, but she soon learns his terrible secret. The story moves from the Phantom's underground hideaway to the dizzying roof of the Opera House, as the Phantom and Raoul battle for Christine's love. The lights dim at the Paris Opera House. The exquisite Christine Daae enraptures the audience with her mellifluous voice. Immediately, Raoul de Chagny falls deeply in love. But the legend of the disfigured "opera ghost" Haunts most of the performance, and as Raoul begins his pursuit of Christine, he is pulled into the depths of the opera house, and into the depths of human emotions. Soon Raoul discovers that the ghost is real and that he wields a terrifying power over Christine a power as unimaginable as the ghost's masked face. As Raoul and the ghost vie for Christine's love, a journey begins into the dark recesses of the human heart, where desire, vulnerability, fear, and violence unravel in a tragic confrontation.

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