Tropical depression (Wikipedia Hurricane Scale)
Hurricane Robomaeyhem about to make landfall along the United States coastline
Hurricane Robomaeyhem about to make landfall along the United States coastline

Hurricane Robomaeyhem about to make landfall along the United States coastline
Formed December 15, 2005
Dissipated N/A
Highest winds
4 edits to date
0 templates created
0 images uploaded
Lowest pressure 0 Article(s) Created
Damages 0 Edits Deleted
Fatalities 0 Article(s) Deleted
Areas affected Tropical Cyclone Areas
Part of the

Robomaeyhem is a currently active Tropical Cyclone in the English Wikipedia.

Storm History change

Robomaeyhem formed on December 15, 2005 on the English Wikipedia. He has affected Tropical Cyclone Areas.