V1400 Centauri

star in the constellation Centaurus

V1400 Centauri (or 1SWASP J140747 or J1407 for short) is a star. It is a main sequence star, similar to our Sun. It is in the constellation Centaurus about 434 light years away from Earth.

V1400 Centauri's planetary system to scale.

It is not visible to the naked eye: you need a telescope to see it. It is only 16 million years old, which is a very young star. It is a variable star. In 2007, it was thought J1407 was eclipsed and orbited by a gas giant or brown dwarf with a giant ring system.[1] In 2021, it was discovered the parent star is strongly variable, with a 5.4-year long magnetic activity cycle. This means it might not have a planet. The variation might be caused by the star itself.

References change

  1. "The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia — 1SWASP J1407 b". Exoplanet.eu. 2014-10-29. Retrieved 2017-06-01. [1]