Bellman–Ford algorithm

algorithm for finding single-source shortest paths in graphs, allowing some edge weights to be negative

In computer science, Bellman-Ford is an algorithm used to compute the shortest distances and paths from a single node within a graph to all other nodes.

Usage change

It is more robust than Dijkstra's algorithm because it is able to handle graphs containing negative edge weights. It may be improved by noting that, if an iteration of the main loop of the algorithm completes without making any changes, the algorithm can be immediately completed, as future iterations will not make any changes. Its runtime is   time, where   and   are the number of nodes and edges respectively.

Psuedocode change

function BellmanFord(list nodes, list edges, node source) is

    distance := list
    predecessor := list              // Predecessor holds shortest paths

    // Step 1: initialize 
    for each node n in nodes do
        distance[n] := inf           // Initialize the distance to all nodes to infinity
        predecessor[n] := null       // And having a null predecessor
    distance[source] := 0            // The distance from the source to itself is zero

    // Step 2: relax edges repeatedly
    repeat |nodes|−1 times:
        for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges do
            if distance[u] + w < distance[v] then
                distance[v] := distance[u] + w
                predecessor[v] := u

    // Step 3: check for negative-weight cycles
    for each edge (u, v) with weight w in edges do
        if distance[u] + w < distance[v] then
            error "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"

    return distance, predecessor