Hitchhiking is a way to end travel from place to place in someone else's vehicle.. Usually, a hitchhiker (a person who hitchhikes) will stand at the side of a road and hold his or her thumb in the air waiting for a passing driver to stop and pick them up. This is a sign that he or she wants to go somewhere else.

It was a very common way of traveling in Europe in the 1970s until increased vehicle ownership/affordability.. Fears of drivers and hitchhikers alike as depicted in popular culture and media and likely have also contributed to its decline.
The legal status of hitchhiking varies by country.
Signaling Methods
changeIn western European countries, raise their arm, extend their thumb and face traffic on the side of the road. This may be paired with a cardboard sign stating their intended direction or destination.
Legal status
changeThe legal status of hitchhiking varies by country and state. Hitchhiking on highways or motorways is illegal in many countries, and some states explicitly ban it.
changeIn recent years, hitchhikers have made efforts to strengthen the community through websites and events such as Hitchwiki, Tramprennen and other events.
Other websites
change- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Hitchhiking - a wiki project to collect information about hitchhiking
- Anhalterfreunde Archived 2007-01-10 at the Wayback Machine - Information all about hitchhiking (English and German language)
- Liftershalte.info Archived 2007-02-17 at the Wayback Machine - a worldmap with hitching places.
- hitchbase.com Archived 2008-09-05 at the Wayback Machine - Database with hitchhing places
- Abgefahren e.V. Archived 2007-07-22 at the Wayback Machine - the first German Autostop Society; ideas, tips, projects,..