Andy Candy (ANNDDYY) is 15 years old. She lives in Northern Africa with Deedre Gegarty (109). They are both professional dog cleaners. They are happy to say that neither of them have Ebola which is a common life-taking disease in the area. They live in a silver tent on the side of Mount Chikwee. They have 12 cat-german shepard mixes. They plan to discover a way to mutate onion cells to make eco-friendly nail polish. They have recently won 3 Grammy's from their knoweledge of the native green potato. Personal Life: They both have strong relationships through their love of Japenese cacti. Deedre's boyfriend is 17 (Richmon) his job is to clean squirrels out of cancer-infected trees. Andy's boyfriend's name is Gregory. He is 17 and works cleaning the rotator cuff of a toilet's flusher. This couple have been dating for -12 years and are very much in love. Deedre and Richmon have been dating for 103 years, not counting the years when Richmon was an eyelash trimmer in New Zealand.