1985 Santiago earthquake

March 1985 earthquake in Chile

The 1985 Santiago earthquake was registered the Sunday March 3, 1985 at 22:47 UTC (19:47 local time). Its epicenter was on the coastline of the Valparaiso Region, Chile, near Algarrobo. It had a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale.

1985 Algarrobo earthquake
Map showing location of the epicenter
UTC time1985-03-03 22:47
ISC event529084
Local dateMarch 3, 1985 (1985-03-03)
Local time19:47 UTC-3
Magnitude8.0 Mw
Depth33 kilometres (21 mi)
Areas affectedChile, San Antonio (Valparaíso Region), Alhué, Melipilla, Santiago (Santiago Metropolitan Region), Rengo (O'Higgins Region)
Max. intensityMM IX