Batman: The Animated Series
American animated television series
Batman: The Animated Series was an Emmy Award-winning television series that ran from 1992 through 1995. The series was about the daily life and the crimes Batman faced in Gotham City. The voice casts includes Kevin Conroy, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Bob Hastings, Mark Hamill, Adrienne Barbeau, Roddy McDowall, Brock Peters, Adam West, Michael Ansara, John Glover, Henry Polic II, Lloyd Bochner, Henry Silva, and Paul Williams. The series won four Emmy Awards and was nominated for nine.
Other websites
changeWikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Batman: The Animated Series
- Official website
- The Adventures of Batman & Robin at Fox Kids (Archive)
- Batman: The Animated Series at The World's Finest
- Batman: The Animated Series at Legions of Gotham
- Batman: The Animated Series on IMDb
- Batman: The Animated Series Archived 2013-01-02 at at Big Cartoon DataBase