Car Seat Headrest's Numbered Albums

Car Seat Headrest as a solo project of Will Toledo released four albums, 1, 2, 3, & 4, on the website Bandcamp, where you can upload music. There was a 5th numbered album, but it was removed from Bandcamp.

1 (released May 1, 2010)

  1. tybee island ghost horses
  2. good sunday
  3. big jacket
  4. Cesare the somnambulist
  5. happy/ugly
  6. David Lynch versus the moon
  7. his shiny customers
  8. up all night
  9. inside the bell jar
  10. July new hey
  11. kid war
  12. you have to go to college
  13. yes bulletin
  14. mortgages for veterans
  15. my dad just passed out'
  16. what does OUJ stand for

2 (released June 1, 2010)

  1. smokezone
  2. this one time I went to a coffee house because some guy I knew was playing and I just sat there for an hour and I just sat there for an hour and didn't talk to anyone and then I came home and wrote this song
  3. we are in space
  4. it's you, you're the _sshole that made this
  5. shoelaces
  6. act suspicious
  7. reversible jacket
  8. the majestic hotel
  9. 90
  10. fiction 1
  11. hanging out with my mom in women's apparel
  12. ...then it will be exactly the same as earth

3 (released July 16, 2010)

  1. no starving
  2. potrait of the artist
  3. beach weak
  4. foreign song
  5. psst teenagers take off your clo
  6. sun hot
  7. beach ....
  8. summer bummer
  9. ryan north by northwest
  10. beach drugs
  11. beach death
  12. beach funeral
  13. oh! starving

Note: This album contains song titles I had to censor in order to get this published. To view said titles, view the album's Bandcamp page.

4 (released August 16, 2010)

  1. a good bridge to never cross until there's no doubt that he's dead
  2. who even knows
  3. even the who knows
  4. not "kidding" around
  5. heartless d_ck
  6. d_ckless heart
  7. feel like daniel johnston
  8. the ghost of bob saget
  9. around

5 (released early 2011)

  1. the drum
  2. happy news for sadness
  3. stoop kid
  4. surf jerk
  5. something soon
  6. no passion
  7. strangers
  8. a pleasant sort of terror
  9. lawns
  11. open-mouthed boy