Delivery robot

autonomous robot for "last mile" delivery

A delivery robot is a robot that is used for delivering goods on the last mile. These robots are independent, most of the time they navigate on their own. In some cases, when the robot gets stuck, a remote operator can help the robot resolve the problem. Delivery robots have been used in different situations, such as delivering food, delivering groceries, delivering packagages. They have also been used in special environments, such as delivering samples or drugs in hospitals, or as a way to offer room service in hotels.

A delivery robot on a street in Talinn, in 2022.

Because they are autonomus they also interact with people. Many people have classified these encounters as either negative, or positive. [1] The delivery robot manufacturer Starship Technologies has reported that people kick their robots.[1] However, most human interactions are positive, and many people have treated these robots like humans because of their appearance.[2] This has led to encounters where people feel a sense of caring towards the robots, assisting the robots when they are stuck, worrying for the robots on their journeys, or praising or thanking robots for their delivery service.[2]

References change

  1. 1.0 1.1 Hamilton, Isobel Asher. "People kicking these food delivery robots is an early insight into how cruel humans could be to robots". Business Insider. Retrieved 2022-11-22.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Why You Want to Pet the Food Delivery Robot". Bon Appétit. 2022-10-14. Retrieved 2022-11-22.