McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet
The F/A-18 Hornet (CF-18, F-18) is a fighter jet that is made by Boeing, and was originally manufactured by the McDonnell-Douglas Company. It first flew in 1978 and was introduced in 1983. Its main user is the United States Navy. It can take off from aircraft carriers because of its special design. The F/A-18 can attack land and air targets. Any aircraft which can do this is called "multi-role". The Hornet is also flown by the Blue Angels.

changeThe F/A-18 is used by many countries, including the United States Navy
United States
changeThe United States navy is the biggest user of the hornet. The hornet is currently only used by the United States Marine Corps, but until 2019 the U.S. Navy also had them.
The USMC currently has 143 F/A-18 hornets.
Blue Angels
changeThe Blue Angels are the aerobatic team of the U.S. Navy. They use the F/A-18. Before the F/A-18 existed, they used the A-4 Skyhawk.
changeThe Royal Australian Air force (RAAF) bought 57 F/A-18A and 18 F/A-18B (the b was used for training) in 1981 to replace the old Mirage III. The difference between the RAAF hornet and the US hornet is that the RAAF removed the carrier Capabilities, because Australia doesn't have any aircraft carriers big enough to fit the plane.
changeThe hornet can carry a lot of bombs, missiles, rockets and guns. It can also carry pods, pods give the aircraft more options, the Litening targeting pod,for example, lets the pilot see the ground and guide bombs to the target.
changeB81 and B83 nuclear bombs
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
Paveway laser guided bombs (the bombs are guided by the targeting pod)
Mk80 bombs general purpose
CBU100 cluster bomb
change2.75 in (70 mm) Hydra 70 rockets
5 in (127.0 mm) Zuni rockets
changeAir to Air
changeAir to Ground
changeAGM-164 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)
Anti Ship
changeRelated pages
changeSimulacrum of Multirole fighter
changeMiG-35 - Simulacrum of the F/A-18 Hornet
- "Russia's cutting-edge MiG-35 fighter jet: aerobatic stunts back in fashion". TASS. 2018-02-07. Retrieved 2018-02-07. - on TASS Official Infographic(in English)