Germanic heroic legend

heroic literary traditions of the Germanic-speaking peoples

Germanic heroic legend (German: germanische Heldensage) is the heroic literary tradition of the Germanic-speaking peoples, most of which starts or is set in the Migration Period (4th-6th centuries AD).

Hagen kills Siegfried while the Burgundian kings Gunther, Giselher, and Gernot watch. Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 1847.

Stories from this time period, to which others were added later, were transmitted orally, traveled widely among the Germanic speaking peoples, and were known in many versions. These legends usually redid historical events or people in the manner of oral poetry, forming a heroic age. Heroes in these legends often display a heroic way of thinking focusing on honor, glory, and loyalty above other concerns. Like Germanic mythology, heroic legend is a genre of Germanic folklore.