Hopla is a Belgian computer-animated toddler television series, created by Bert Smets in 2000, and produced by Bert Smets Productions.[1] The cartoon features the rabbit Hopla and his friends – the pig Onki, the bear Nina, and the kitten Lola.[2] Each episode is about five minutes. Similar to its spiritual predecessor Tik Tak, the show is aimed at children between 0–2 years old and has no dialogue (the only dialogue is the show's name). The show was animated with Strata 3D.[3]
The show first aired on Ketnet, a Flemish television channel, in 2000, and became popular soon afterward. Hopla has been aired in 31 countries (including Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Spain, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States).
In Belgium, Hopla's home entertainment titles have sold over 300,000 copies and their book-related merchandise has garnered sales close to 700,000. In Portugal, the show aired on public channel RTP2, with some dialogue added to briefly describe each scene's contents.
It airs in the United States due to an exclusive multi-year distribution deal between Bert Smets Productions and NCircle Entertainment, a subsidiary of Alliance Entertainment, signed in 2007. The show was aired on BabyFirst.
change- Hopla Throws a Party
- An Air Balloon
- Delicious Ice Cream
- Hopla in the Circus
- Hopla Drives the Train
- All Ladybugs
- On The Boat
- Hopla in His Car
- A Gift for Hopla
- Hopla on the Side
- Hopla on the Beach
- Hopla on the Farm
- Teddy Bears
- Dance of the Frogs
- A Mouse in the House
- Party Time
- Hopla and Nina Make Music
- Look, A Dolphin
- To The Fair
- New Glasses
- A Fun Hopla
- To Rock
- The Ball and the Seals
- An Elephant in the Air
- Onki and the Turtle
- A Delicious Ice Cream
- An Umbrella in the Clouds
- Have a Good Night, Hopla
- On The Boat
- Play with Hopla
- Hopla and Lola on the See-Saw
- Look, A Dolphin
- Hopla Makes Pancakes
- A Chicken Dance
- Let's Go Picnic, Hopla
- The Fox
- Saw, Saw
- To the Circus
- Here Comes The Balloon
- Hopla Plays Music
- Hopla and the Ambulance
- The Dance of the Penguins
- A Violin in the Cupboard
- Hopla Goes Camping
- A Gift and a Flower
- The Flamingo
- A Cow at the Fair
- Hopla is a Bus Driver
- A Strange Fish
- Hopla's Bike
- A Kite on the Beach
- A Snowman in Air
- Lola in a Rocket
- Skip Rope with Hopla
- Strawberries are Red
- Three Balls on the Trap
- A Train
- Hopla Wants a Color
- Hopla is Playing Soccer
- A Dress-Up Party
- Hopla and the Fanfare
- What a Beautiful Butterfly
- A Castle for Hopla
- It Rains
- Giddy Up Horse
- Good Morning Hopla
- The Dancing Alarm Clocks
- Two Bees Buzz Away
- An Apple for Hopla
- Funny Penguins
- There's the Train
- Hopla Goes Shopping
- Onki and Hopla Make Music
- Nina is a Fairy
- Lola Has A Dog
- A Ladybug
- Hopla Drives the Ambulance
- A Beautiful Castle
- A Cute Dolphin
- Onki is a Real Clown
- Two Ducks in the Pond
- Hopla and Lola in the Tent
- Puzzles with Hopla
- Who Wants an Ice Cream
- Hopla on a Go-Cart
- To The Hospital
- A Ball for Hopla
- Onki is a Santa Claus
- Hopla is in the Helicopter
- Hopla Blows Bubbles
- A Fish on the See-Saw
- Lola Splashes at Hopla
- Where is the Alarm Clock
- Hopla Goes Diving
- Hopla Can Magic
- Look, A Monkey
- A Visit to the Zoo
- A Fish for Hopla
- Dancing Snowmen
- On the Picnic Together
- A Squirrel Behind the Window
- Let's Play Domino
- So Much Music
- A Delicious Pear
- A Duck in the Air
- It's a Party
- Who's on the See-Saw
- Twelve Cakes in a Row
- Hopla in a Wheelchair
- Hopla and Nina Goes Apple Picking
- Hopla in the Train Station
- Nina is Looking for Hopla
- An Ice Cream Among the Fruit
- Tools on the Market
- The Mouse Loves Candy
- An Octopus in Hopla's Dream
- Something Jumps Out of the Toaster
- A Painting of Lola
- Who is Climbing the Apple Tree
- There's a Horse in the Closet
- A Flamingo and a Penguin on the Train
- The Moon in the Clouds
- Hopla Takes a Bath
- Cat is Hungry
- A Tractor On the Road
- Pick Flowers