IRAS 18204-1344 is a red supergiant star in the constellation Scutum, the star is located at around 7,500 light years away from earth

IRAS 18204-1344
Observation data
Epoch J2000.0      Equinox J2000.0
Constellation Scutum
Right ascension  18h 23m 17.9056s
Declination −13° 42′ 47.118″
Spectral type M3Ia-M5Ia
Apparent magnitude (R) +11.149
Apparent magnitude (G) +8.391
Apparent magnitude (J) +2.845
Apparent magnitude (H) +1.403
Apparent magnitude (K) +0.713
Variable type Semi-Regular variable star
Distance~7,500 ly
Mass24.4-31.8 M
Radius1,188-1,352 R
Luminosity169,122-283,116 L
Temperature3,396-3,621 K
Other designations
RAFGL 2139, IRAS 18204-1344, IRC -10414, 2MASS J18231790-1342473