International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

IUPAP is the only global organization covering all areas of physics. It contributes through physics to general international understanding. Its mission is to assist in the worldwide development of physics, to foster cooperation in physics and to help in the applications of physics towards solving problems of concern to humanity.

The 33rd General Assembly (GA) was special in various ways. It was the first inperson GA in 7 years and the first one held in China. These two features contributed

to making this GA an incredible event with lively discussions both on IUPAP matters, on physics, and how our Union and physics can better serve to make our World a better place for all.

Who They Are


The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) is the only international physics organization that is organized and run by the physics community itself. Its members are identified physics communities in countries or regions around the world.

The IUPAP was established in 1922 in Brussels with 13 Member countries and the first General Assembly was held in 1923 in Paris. It currently has 60 country members.