Jind State

jat Kingdom⚔️

Jind State was a Sidhu Jat princely state in Punjab. It was founded in 1763 by Gajpat Singh of Jind (1738-1789).

Jind State Coat of Arms

Rulers of Jind State (1763-1947)

  • Raja Gajpat Singh (r.1763-1789)
  • Raja Bhag Singh (r.1789-1819)
  • Prince Pratap Singh Revolts and Takes power (r.1814-1816)
  • Raja Fateh Singh (r.1819-1822)
  • Raja Sangat Singh (r.1822-1834)
  • A vacancy of three years (1834-1837)
  • Raja Sarup Singh (r.1837-1864)
  • Raja Raghbir Singh (r.1864-1887)
  • Raja Ranbir Singh (r.1887-1948)
  • Raja Rajbir Singh (r.1948-1959)
  • Jind Royal Family signed the Instrument of Accession to the Dominion of India. (1947-1948).

Religion in Jind State


Hinduism and Islam were the main religions of the State. The Sikhs dominated the northern areas of Jind State.