Kindergarten: The Musical

American animated broadway music style television series

Kindergarten: The Musical an American animated television series produced by Oddbot Entertainment for Disney Jr. The series premiered on September 3, 2024. It follows the adventures of Berti Benavente, a 5-year-old girl who starts kindergarten and discovers the highs and lows of school, along with her classmates and teacher Ms. Moreno. The series usually has about three songs in each episode, with some having longer than that. Two of the songs take place in the normal world, and one is in a cartoony world. The episodes follow small school problems that kids may have with other kids or things about their life. Each episode provides a lesson to the viewers.

The characters of the series are Berti Benavente, the main protagonist of the show. Berti is a 5-year-old girl that lives in 2 houses, and is friends with everyone in the class. Berti’s two best friends are Radish Ritzal, a 5-year-old boy that wears glasses, has radish-like hair, and is fun, and Rose, a hyperactive 5-year-old girl that loves moving around, and started the Really Rainbow Bracelets studio with Berti. There’s also the two twins, Kat and Ellie. Kat loves cats, but loves bunnies even more. She has a cat hat on her head. Ellie hasn’t had a big role in most episodes, but she is Kat’s twin sister and wears blue. The two smart characters are Tej, who is a character who really likes dinosaurs, loves his dinosaur doll named Martha, and wears dinosaur clothes, and Jamil, a kid inventor that has invented many things and is the smartest in the class by a mile. There’s also Kenji, a kid who likes saying “Yo”, and plays flute really well, and Abigail, the oldest one in the class that turned 6 years old in October, has a expert party-planning family, and is nice.