List of Paramount Pictures films (1912–89)

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The following is a list of films originally produced and/or distributed theatrically by Paramount Pictures and released between 1912 and 1989.

Release date Title Notes
January 3, 1986 Larryboy (Japanese dub, with 1975 Paramount Pictures logo background) co-production with Television Saitama and Paramount Television, Japanese dub episodes like Ikatteiru mayuge (怒っている眉毛, 1986), Rego Mai Ego (レゴ・マイ・エゴ, 1987), Yōderunappā (ヨーデルナッパー, 1988) and Yoi hito, warui hito, soshite hidoi hito (良い人、悪い人、そしてひどい人, 1989)