Maheshacharya (Sanskrit: महेशाचार्य), is a religious title used for the peethadhipati of Divyshakti Yogpeeth Akhara (which is known as 'Maheshwari Akhada' is famous). The title is derived from Adi Maheshacharya Maharishi Parashar, the Maheshwari Gurus in the successive series of Gurus coming from his time are known as "Maheshacharya". Maheshacharya post/designation is the post of religious leadership of Maheshwari community. This post "Maheshacharya" is considered to be the most prestigious post of Maheshwari community.

Maheshacharya Premsukhanand Maheshwari
Picture of the origin of Maheshwari Community by Lord Mahesha (Lord Shiva) and Goddess Parvati. In the picture - Lord Mahesha, Goddess Parvati, 72 Kshatriya Umrao who became Maheshwari by the blessing of Lord Mahesha, Jaga - who was given the task of keeping the genealogy of Maheshwaris and 6 sages whom Lord Mahesha made the Guru of Maheshwaris.

The word "Maheshacharya" is composed of two parts, Mahesha and Acharya. Acharya is a Sanskrit word meaning "teacher", so Maheshacharya means "teacher", who teaches the path shown by Lord Mahesha (Lord Shiva). Presently Yogi Premsukhanand Maheshwari is the Peethadhipati of Divyshakti Yogpeeth Akhara (Maheshwari Akhada) and Maheshacharya. The Maheshacharya Premsukhanand Maheshwari has been travelling far and wide across India like the first guru Adi Maheshacharya to protect sanatana dharma, maintain the Maheshwari culture and cultural identity, its values and glories. He has been addressing concerns on social unity, security and progress; Importance of health, education and values, cow protection, women empowerment, concerns on environment and their solutions. He is working through 'Divyshakti Yogpeeth Akhara (Maheshwari Akhada)' with the objectives of creating a well-educated, cultured, self-reliant society, protecting the values, securing the nation and its unity.

Apart from the Chief/Peethadhipati of Divyshakti Yogpeeth Akhara (popularly known as Maheshwari Akhada), there are some other people in India who prefix their names with the title Maheshacharya, but is not as per the traditional practice of Maheshwari community but is voluntary. The real Maheshacharya is considered to be the one occupying the post of Peethadhipati/Chief of Divyshakti Yogpeeth Akhara (which is famous as Maheshwari Akhada).


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