National symbols of the Solomon Islands

The National symbols of the Solomon Islands are the symbols that are used to represent both the divided Solomon Islander people proper and abroad to represent the country and its people.

Global location of the Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islander symbols


“Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty”.

Symbol Image
Coat of arms Coat of arms of the Solomon Islands
Coat of Arms of Solomon Islands
Flag Flag of the Solomon Islands
State Flag of Solomon Islands
Flower National flower of the Solomon Islands
Hibiscus tiliaceus
State Flower of Solomon Islands
Tree National tree of the Solomon Islands
Metroxylon salomonense
State Tree of Solomon Islands
Birds National bird of the Solomon Islands
Ducula pacifica

Solomon national bird

Columba vitiensis

State Bird of Solomon Islands
Animal National animal of the Solomon Islands
Eretmochelys imbricata bissa
State Animal of Solomon Islands
Predators National shark of the Solomon Islands
Galeocerdo cuvier

National reptile of the Solomon Islands

Crocodylus porosus

State Shark of Solomon Islands
State Reptile of Solomon Islands