Rapid antigen test

a medical test to know in less than a few hour a certain condition

Rapid Antigen test or shortly as RAT and commonly known as Antigen Test kit is a rapid diagnostic, that detect and finding the presence and absence of the results, Rapid test is usually gives the result in 5 up to 30 minutes.[1]

Rapid antigen test
Medical diagnostics
A COVID-19 Rapid Antigen test(top) with a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen and a Influenza A&B Rapid Antigen Test(bottom)
SynonymsRapid antigen detection test (RADT), lateral flow test, lateral flow device, rapid test, Antigen rapid test
PurposeTo diagnose infections

There are the different rapid antigen test kits, such as HIV-1&2, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 Antigen, Flu A&B, RSV, Rabies Ag and Pregnancy test (PT).

Antigen test kits

COVID-19 Antigen

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, The COVID-19 Ag test is available, When the COVID-19 cases increasing across the world, The COVID-19 and the SARS-COV2 kits are the same when it comes to show the result, The "C" is for (control) and the "T" is for (test) and invisible is for (invalid) compare to other test kits.[2]

Flu A&B

The Influenza test kits is used to the person who suspected contracting for the virus. Taking for the swab samples, same as the COVID preemptive measures.


The HIV-AIDS or HV-2 is used for HIV ther person possibly infected of the virus. For taking the blood sample and drop into 3x of the kit droplet.[3]

Pregnancy test

Preganancy test or PT is the kit that show the possibility or negatively of results, taking the sample of urine.

Rabies Ag

When the Rabies endemic is began, the test kits antigen for rabies is also available in some private and highly recommended hospital, for the patients who possibly infected and contracting the virus.[4]


