Superman (DC Extended Universe)

Clark Joseph Kent, best known by his superhero persona Superman, portrayed by Henry Cavill, is a central character in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). Based on the DC Comics superhero of the same name, He first appeared in Man of Steel released in 2013, which serves as an origin story for the character. Directed by Zack Snyder, the movie explores Clark Kent's (Superman's alter ego) upbringing, the discovery of his superhuman abilities, and his struggles with identity and purpose while grappling with the legacy of his Kryptonian heritage.

Superman's character in the DCEU is characterized by his internal conflict as he balances his role as a hero with his vulnerability and the expectations placed upon him by society. Henry Cavill's portrayal received praise for bringing depth and a modern take to the iconic superhero.

As of in October 2023, there have been discussions and plans for further developments in the Superman lore within the DCEU, including potential sequels and a new direction under the leadership of James Gunn and Peter Safran. However, specific details changed since then, so Cavil was confirmed no to return as the character in future DC projects.