Template:Hadith USC
changeUsage of this template
{{Hadith USC|usc=yes|abudawud|1|15}}
will produce Sunan Abu Dawood, 1:15{{Hadith USC|abudawud|1|15}}
will produce 1:15
{{Hadith USC|bukhari|usc=yes|8|76|430}}
will produce Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:76:430
{{Hadith USC|bukhari|76|1|422}}
will produce Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:76:430
{{Hadith USC|bukhari|8|76|430|b=b}}
will produce Sahih al-Bukhari, Bukhari 8:76:430
Bukhari reference template refers to University of Southern California site
- 1st parameter is the volume number
- 2nd parameter is the book number
- 3rd parameter is the hadith number
Optional Parameters
change- end, or, e parameter :
- last hadith number being cited, if needed
- quote, or, q parameter :
- the text of the quotation.
- translator, or, t parameter can be used with below values :
- b (for Bukhari)
- f (for al-Firabri)
- im (for Ibrahim ibn Ma'qal)
- hs (for Hammad ibn Shaker)
- mb (for Mansur Burduzi)
- hm (for Husain Mahamili)
- fb (for Fath al-Bari)
- h (for Ibn Hajar)
- mk (for Muhsin Khan)
- name of other translator
- expand, or, begin, or, b (any) parameter can be used with below values :
- no when specified or omitted, prepend link "Bukhari" or "Sahih Bukhari" will be absent.
- yes, or, b values will prepend/start it with "Bukhari".
- usc=yes will add "Sahih Bukhari" at the beginning.
- style, or, s parameter can be used with below values :
- nosup, or, ns if omitted or specified, non-superscript style will be displayed.
- sup, or, s will result into superscript style.
- ref to use expanded form for citing as a reference. alternatively "sup" can also be used.
changeUsage of this template:
{{Hadith USC|usc=yes|muslim|1|4}}
will produce Sahih Muslim, 1:4{{Hadith USC|muslim|1|4}}
will produce 1:4
changeFor hadiths with section "a","b" and so on use:
{{Hadith USC|muwatta|usc=yes|7|1|5|b}}
will produce Al-Muwatta, 7 1.5b
For hadiths without sections use the following format
{{Hadith USC|muwatta|usc=yes|17|19|34|}}
will produce Al-Muwatta, 17 19.34
If you do not wish to use the name as shown above, use:
{{Hadith USC|muwatta|7|1|5|b}}
will produce 7 1.5b
{{Hadith USC|muwatta|17|19|34|}}
will produce 17 19.34
The cited source
changeThe original website being cited is defunct; this is resolved by using archive URLs from web.archive.org. If the archive URL for this particular citation does not work, you can replace it by finding one that does at web.archive.org, and using the string of digits in the URL (e.g. 20181118162143
from https://web.archive.org/web/20181118162143/http://cmje.usc.edu/religious-texts/quran/verses/002-qmt.php
) in the |archive=
parameter: |archive=20181118162143