This template is part of a set that uses the current date and time (as provided by the magic words {{LOCALYEAR}}, {{LOCALMONTH}}, {{LOCALDAY2}} and {{LOCALHOUR}}) and provides the local time and date information according to the French Republican Calendar system.

  • {{LOCALREPTIME}} returns the current time in the decimal 10-hour day system (0h. 0m. - 9h. 99m.)
  • {{LOCALREPDAY}} returns the day number (1-30)
  • {{LOCALREPDAYNAME}} returns the day name (Primidi, Duodi, ... Décadi)
  • {{LOCALREPMONTHNAME}} returns the month name (Vendémiaire, Brumaire, ... Fructidor)
  • {{LOCALREPYEAR}} returns the current year, calculated from the Republican calendar epoch of 22 September 1792

The templates use the leap year rule of the Romme Committee.