{{Spaceflight crew
| crew              = "prime" or "backup" crew
| terminology       = General title of crewmembers (eg. Astronaut, Cosmonaut, etc)
| references        = General references for table
| colwidth          = Column width if the default is not suitable
| right             = "yes" floats the template to the right of the section text
| launchdate        = The launch date (optional, if launch/landing crews are different)
| landingdate       = The landing date (optional, if launch/landing crews are different)

| position1         = First crewmember's role in the mission
| crew1_up          = Name of the first crewmember during launch
| expedition1_up    = Expedition crew that the first crewmember during launch is part of (leave blank if none)
| agency1_up        = Space agency of the first crewmember during launch (if not the same as the majority)
| flights1_up       = Ordinal form of the number of flights, including this one, made by the first crewmember during launch
| details1_up       = Further details on the first crewmember during launch (eg. alternative roles, etc)
| crew1_down        = Name of the first crewmember during landing (omit if the same as at launch, "None" if vacant)
| expedition1_down  = Expedition crew that the first crewmember during launch was part of (leave blank if none)
| agency1_down      = Space agency of the first crewmember during landing (if not the same as the majority)
| flights1_down     = Ordinal form of the number of flights, including this one, made by the first crewmember during landing
| details1_down     = Further details on the first crewmember during landing (eg. alternative roles, etc)

| position13        = 
| crew13_up         =
| expedition13_up   =
| agency13_up       = 
| flights13_up      = 
| details13_up      =
| crew13_down       =
| expedition13_down =
| agency13_down     =
| flights13_down    =
| details13_down    =

| notes             = Notes on the crew, appears below the table

See also
