This template is intended to allow entry of imperial weights (Avoirdupois), measured in [long] tons and hundredweights (ton,cwt) and provide a conversion into pounds and [metric] tonnes.

The value for pounds (lb) is rounded to the nearest 100. The value for tonnes (t) is rounded to 1 decimal place.

This format is traditional for the specification of locomotives manufactured or used in the UK, and some other Commonwealth countries.


  • {{TonCwt to t | number of tons | number of cwt }}
  • {{TonCwt to t | number of tons | number of cwt | lk=on }}
to link "ton(s)" to Avoirdupois#British adaptation.



For example:

  • Locomotive weight: {{TonCwt to t|35|4}}.
gives: "Locomotive weight: 35 tons 4 cwt (78,800 lb or 35.7 t)."
  • Locomotive weight: {{TonCwt to t|35|4|lk=on}}.
gives: "Locomotive weight: 35 tons 4 cwt (78,800 lb or 35.7 t)."
