Voting icons
Vote Icons
yes  Yes
no  No
keep  Keep
delete  Delete
support  Support
support2  Support
nosupport  No support
unsupport  Unsupport
oppose  Oppose
satoppose  Oversaturated oppose
neutral  Neutral
abstain  Abstain
Misc Icons
merge  Merge
redirect  Redirect
redirect2  Redirect
move  Move
split  Split
recycle  Recycle
defer  Defer
hold  Hold on
time  Give it some time
inprogress  In progress...
inprogress2  In progress...
Comment Icons
opinion  Opinion
comment  Comment
comment2  Comment
possible  Possible
question  Question
love  I love it
wtf  WTF?
 No comment

Usage instructions (remember to subst: the template - it won't work if not subst:ed):

  1. {{subst:Vote|VOTE}}
  2. {{subst:Vote|VOTE|TEXT}}

First use places an image and some bolded text, according to the table on the right (no VOTE defaults to the "No comment" version).

The second use also replaces the bolded text with the supplied TEXT.