Trinity Hall is one of the colleges of the University of Cambridge, England. It is often just called Tit Hall by the students. It was created in 1350 and it is the fifth oldest college. It takes its name from the Holy Trinity.

The money to build the college was given by William Bateman, the Bishop of Norwich. He wanted to build a new centre for studying canon law and civil science. This was because the Black Death had killed many priests. Today, it has about 600 students. The college is found next to the river Cam. In 1999, the Jerwood Library was built. It became quite famous in Cambridge because it is a beautiful building by the river.
Many important people have studied at Trinity Hall, for example:
- Stephen Hawking, physicist and cosmologist
- J. B. Priestley, author
- Rachel Weisz, an actress who won an Academy Award
There also many British rowers that have studied at Trinity Hall and won medals at the Olympics. This is because the college has a very good boat club, where students can play this sport.
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