Uremia is a Greek word used in English to describe the condition of a person's blood. Uremia is caused by urine products building up in the blood. If those come over the normal filtration system of the kidneys then the condition is called uremia. People with chronic renal disease or acute renal failure are usually affected by uremia.
Physical signs, symptoms and laboratory findings
change- Fatigue
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Anorexia
- Decreased sense of smell and taste
- Cramps
- Restless legs
- Sleep disturbances
- Coma
- Reduced muscle membrane potential
- asterixis and tremor
- lethargy/deterioration in mental status, encephalopathy, seizures
- hyperreflexia and upgoing toes
- uremic fetor
- pericarditis and/or bruising (from qualitative, not quantitative, platelet dysfunction)
- fall in blood pressure
- nausea/vomiting
- Amenorrhea and sexual dysfunction
- Reduced body temperature
- Altered amino acid levels
- Bone disease due to phosphate retention, hyperparathyroidism, and vitamin D deficiency
- Insulin resistance
- Increase protein-muscle catabolism
- Anemia due to erythropoietin deficiency and shortened red-cell survival