Urination (peeing) is how organisms remove urine from their bodies. Urine is the scientific term for pee, the liquid bodily waste filtered out of the bloodstream by kidneys and from the liquids that a person drinks. The bladder temporarily holds the waste fluid and lets it out through the urethra. Urethras are tubes of the body to pass urine from the bladder outside of the body.

Both men and women have bladders and urethras to let urine out. But men's urethras are longer and more narrow than women's, Men's urethras are longer because they are inside only men's body organ - penis. Men have it to let out urine when they pee - and semen when they have sex. Because of this organ at the front men can usually pee when they stand. Women don't have penises, and their urethras open between their legs in their vulvas. Vulvas are women's outside sex organs. Woman usually pee when they sit or squat: if they stand, pee may make their legs wet.