User:Cethegus/Articles/Hilaire Mbakop

Hilaire Mbakop (*January 28, 1973 in Bangangté Cameroon) is a literary scholar and writer. He publishes his works in German and French.[1] His literary work bases on his intercultural experiences (e.g. Mambé's homeland (German: Manbés Heimat) and Black african aliens (French: Les étrangers noirs africains)), on the other hand he practices social criticism and attacks political grievances (e.g. The Destroyed Village (German: Das zerstörte Dorf) and The Hexagon and its accomplices (German: Das Hexagon und seine Mittäter)).

After graduating from high school in Bangangté, he began studying German language and literature and history at the University of Yaoundé I in 1992 and at the same time completed his teacher training at the École Normale Supérieure affiliated with Yaoundé I.  

Mbakop's first trip abroad took place in 1996: At the age of 23 he received a scholarship from the DAAD to prepare his master's thesis at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt / Main. In 1999 it was published under the title On the Problem of Freedom and Individuality: An Investigation of Goethe's "Götz von Berlichingen” and “Egmont.” Four years later Mbakop obtained his doctorate from the same university with a dissertation on the pamphlets of Heinrich Mann and André Gide.

Influenced by these authors and the values ​​of Christianity - attendance at the Catholic elementary school, doctoral scholarship from the Catholic Academic Foreign Service (KAAD) - he has created some literary works that denounce injustice: Mambé's homeland (novel, 2007) scourges the gap between poor and poor Rich in Cameroon, Death of a disabled person (novel, 2010) the lack of understanding of an anonymous society for the needs of the disabled, Les étrangers noirs africains (Roman, 2011) the discrimination against black Africans in Germany. The Social Drama The Destroyed Village (2010) is a lawsuit against the people of Bali-Nyonga who removed the neighboring village of Bawock from the map in 2007. In the historical drama The Hexagon and its accomplices I (2011), France and its Cameroonian henchmen sit on the dock because of the massacre of the Bassas in the second half of the 50s, and in The Hexagon and its accomplices II (September 2014) they are accused for the genocide against the Bamilékés between 1959 and 1971.

In 2010 Mbakop published The wood fire fairy tales that he had collected three years earlier. In the foreword, he says that he had "written down these oral stories that were in danger of disappearing, so that they are accessible to everyone," and continues: "At the same time, the written form guarantees that this cultural asset will survive in posterity." These fairy tales are a facet of the Medúmbà culture, the richness of which he depicts in his autobiography My Childhood and Youth, which was also published in 2010. His most recent work is the collection of poems The Faces of Life (October 2014).

Mbakop's socio-political commitment is expressed not only in his books, but also in his journalistic writings and numerous discussions with the media.

Mambé's Home (novel, 2007)[2]

Wood Fire fairy tales (2010) [3]

The Destroyed Village (social drama, 2010)[4]

My Childhood an my Youth (autobiography, 2010[5]

Death of a disabled person (novel, 2010)[6]

Black African Strangers (novel, 2011)[7]

The Hexagon and its Accomplices I (historical drama, 2011)[8]

The Hexagon and its accomplices II (2014)[9]

The Faces of Life (poems, 2014). [10]


  1. He cannot write in his mother tongue (he speaks Medumba, a Bamiliké language) because there was no script taught for his language at the time when he went to school. (
  2.; hilaire-mbakop.html
  5. The chronicle of a Cameroonian youth, between nostalgia for childhood dreams and changes in a society over the years. By the testimony of daily life, that of the fields, of school, but also the transition to adulthood we leann about a whole culture with growing complexity
  7. Mbacob in interview: "Shortly after my return from Germany I wrote the novel Les étrangers noirs africains. I preferred to convert my travel impressions into a fictional work. The enthusiasm that lived in me before the trip to Germany quickly gave way to disillusionment. The illusion I gave myself resulted from many factors: Even at high school, the German teachers let us believe that the country of Goethe was a spotless paradise. Later, the lecturers at the University of Yaoundé I gave us a comparable picture of Germany. In addition, each issue of the magazine “Deutschland” was available for free transport in the German embassy. For me it was a feast, especially since I would not have been able to get it for a fee. The glossy photos that illustrated the articles made me dreamy. I think only a realistic depiction of the country and its people can help those who want to leave the Third World not to overstate their expectations."( - See also

[[Category:1973 births]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:Novelists]] [[Category:African writers]]