Srilaxmi (pronounced Shree-Lakshmi) is an Indian environmentalist and activist. Known for her witty style of expression, she is open-minded and believes in the freedom of opinion and expression. "It is only through debate and discussion can we come at a consensus of decision." Born in Manipal, on 28th September, 2000, Srilaxmi grew up in multiple places, but spent most of her life in Goa. Upon being asked at which place she relates to the most, she thinks it's the Goan part of her that she knows best. A konkan by descent, she speaks English, Kannada, Hindustani and some Tamil, apart from her mother tongue Konkani. Her interest in the environment began young, she always hated to litter as a child, and thought it was unfair to nature that we took advantage of it so carelessly. Upon reading about the Chipko movement and the Bhakra Nagal Dam protests, she took inspiration from these to build upon her values. She is currently pursuing her interests through academics and action plans to understand people and their relationship with nature better so as to draw from it better environment friendly practices.