So you want to donate to Wikipedia? Great! Your kindness keeps Wikipedia running and giving information to everyone. change

Wikipedia and its sister wikis are hosted by a non-profit (not for money) organization called the Wikimedia Foundation, based in the United States. While other websites like Google or Yahoo are hosted on thousands of servers, with thousands of employees, we have only around 800 servers and around 350 people working for us. We pay for the costs of Wikipedia and its other sites through donations; almost all of them from readers, editors, members of the public, and anyone in between.

If you want to donate to Wikipedia, you can do so by clicking here. For other ways to give to Wikipedia, click here. If you have any questions about where your money goes, what we spend it on, or what our plans are, you can find out by clicking here. Should you have any problems trying to donate, or other questions, please email and we will be there to help you.

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