
immune system response to a substance that most people tolerate well

An allergy is something which triggers an allergic reaction. This is the immune system defending the body against attack by bacteria and viruses.

Analytical chemist Georgina Ross (Wageningen University & Research) about allergies

Having an allergy is when a thing (called an allergen) cannot enter the body without them getting sick. Sometimes the system goes wrong, and is triggered by some normal food, or flares up when the family pet comes into the room. This is what the ordinary person calls an 'allergy'.

'Allergic reactions'


When people come in contact with something they are allergic to, there can be many different reactions.

These reactions include the face and skin: itchy eyes, drippy or stuffy noses, swollen face, and develop a rash called hives.

It can affect the respiratory tract: sneezing, and coughing. If it is a food allergy, the person may get an upset stomach.

Sometimes a person's oesophagus (throat), may swell up so much that the person can no longer breathe. This is called anaphylaxis. When this happens, a doctor must give the person a medicine called epinephrine to make the swelling go down. Some people with allergies to very common things, like bee stings or fish or nuts, carry this medicine with them so it can be used quickly in an emergency.

The device used to treat allergies and inject the medicine is called an epinephrine autoinjector.

Common allergies


Some common food allergies are:

Some common environmental allergies are:



  • "Are you aware of your allergic symptoms?". Retrieved 28 November 2007.