
female given name

Christina (or Cristina) is a female given name. It is pronounced [kri-stee-nuh].[1]

Christina is a name with Greek roots that translates to "Christ's follower". It's a feminine version of the name Christian, which has its origins in the Latin word Christus, meaning "anointed one".[2] The name has been used for many saints. Celebrities with the name include Christina Aguilera, Christina Hendricks, Christina Ricci, Christina Applegate and Christina Milian.This name was ranked #629 on the US Popular Names in 2021.[3]

As Cristina, the name has been used for tropical cyclones in the Eastern Pacific Region.

People change

References change

  1. "Definition of Christina |". Retrieved 2023-03-16.
  2. "christina name Meaning and Origin". Retrieved 2023-03-16.
  3. "Popular Baby Names". Retrieved 2023-03-16.