Courtelary District

former district of the canton of Bern

The district of Courtelary in the Swiss canton of Bern has 18 municipalities in an area of 266 km²:

Municipality Population (2004) Area (km²)
Corgémont 1532 17.60
Cormoret 528 13.43
Cortébert 737 14.75
Courtelary 1163 22.24
La Ferrière 550 14.23
La Heutte 481 8.00
Mont-Tramelan 133 4.64
Orvin 1207 21.43
Péry 1361 15.57
Plagne 391 7.55
Renan 790 12.62
Romont 213 7.07
Saint-Imier 4756 20.86
Sonceboz-Sombeval 1684 15.03
Sonvilier 1090 23.78
Tramelan 4263 24.88
Vauffelin 431 5.92
Villeret 914 16.22