Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap semi-empirical method

INDO stands for Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap. It is a semi-empirical quantum chemistry method that is a development of the complete neglect of differential overlap (CNDO/2) method developed by John Pople. Like CNDO/2 it uses zero-differential overlap for the two-electron integrals. Integrals for over orbitals centered on the same atom are included in the INDO method.[1][2]

The method is now rarely used in its original form. But it is the basis for several other methods, such as MINDO, ZINDO and SINDO.



  1. J. Pople, D. L. Beveridge and P. A. Dobosh, Journal of Chemical Physics, 47, 2026, (1967)
  2. Pople, J.A.; D. Beveridge (1970). Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory. McGraw-Hill.