Imminent thunderstorm (Filippini)

painting by Francesco Filippini in the Galleria d'arte moderna of Milano

Imminent thunderstorm (also known as Temporale imminente) is a 19th-century late impressionist painted in oil by Francesco Filippini. It was painted about 1890, in Milano, Italy. Is in the collection of the GAM-Gallery of Modern Art of Milan (inv. n. 7146).

Imminent thunderstorm
Italian: Temporale imminente
See adjacent text.
ArtistFrancesco Filippini
Yearc. 1890
TypeOil on Canvas
Dimensions260 cm × 460 cm (102 in × 180 in)
LocationGAM-Gallery of Modern Art of Milan, Milano
Francesco Filippini, Temporale imminente, 1890, 102 x 180 cm, Civica Galleria d'arte moderna di Milano (Inv. n. 7146)



The conception of the work is of absolute avant-garde, of landscape, in which the vision is placed like the will of a bird from above, granting a unique and immersive perspective in the work and in the metrological change of the sky, waiting for the storm on the mountain. The presence of men and animals from that height are completely undefined but they protest their presence in the landscape. The composition with aerial vision has a completely dilated perspective, bringing the possibility of looking beyond all limits, where the horizon is not defined by the creation of an arc that is one with the sky without a line of fracture through the sky and the earth.

Exhibition history

  • Milan, Galleria Pesaro, 1930, p. 9
  • Francesco Filippini, un protagonista del Naturalismo, 1999


  • S. Pagani, 1955, 2. 258
  • Luciano Caramel, C. Pirovano, 1975, p. 138, t. 914
  • Luciano Anelli, 1985, p. 58
  • Francesco Filippini, un protagonista del Naturalismo, Ed. Skira, 1999, p. 150

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