Lime is a green fruit, and the tree fruit itself. They are citrus fruits similar to lemons. Citrus fruits like limes are rich in vitamin C. Sailors from Britain were given lemon or lime juice to stop them falling ill with scurvy. This is how they got the nickname Limey. There are several citrus trees whose fruits are called limes. They include the key lime Citrus aurantiifolia, the Persian lime, the kaffir lime, and the desert lime Citrus glauca.

Limes are small, round and bright green. If they stay on the tree for a long time they turn yellow. Then they look like small round lemons.
Lime juice is used in cooking and in drinks. Lime oils are often used in perfumes, used for cleaning, and used for aromatherapy.
Lime tastes acidic and bitter. Lime juice is also made from limes.
Different kinds of limes
change- Persian lime – This lime is most often sold in supermarkets as lime.
- Key lime – Smaller than the Persian lime, used to mix Cocktails and make pies.
- Kaffir lime – Very small fruits, vegetable oil from the leaves is used for perfumes, leaves are used for cooking.
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