The National Serbian Clarinet Association (NSCA, Serb. Национална српска кларинетистичка асоцијација/Nacionalna srpska klarinetistička asocijacija) is an association established in 2015, by Serbian clarinetists. Most of the founders were members of the International Clarinet Association (ICA) and European Clarinet Association (ECA) who are active professional performers of classical music. There are also students and clarinetists who perform other genres of music.
changeThe main aims of the NSCA, declared in its Founding Act and Statute, include assembling Serbian clarinetists interested in researching the clarinet and clarinet literature, organizing clarinet-related events, and collaborating with foreign clarinetists and clarinet associations.
Board of Directors
changeThe Board of Directors consists of:
- Andrija Blagojevic, clarinet professor at the University in Kosovska Mitrovica, the first clarinetist in Serbia who joined the ICA and ECA and the International Clarinet Association National Chairperson for Serbia since 2009, who serves as president of the NSCA Board;
- Predrag Nedeljkovic, bass clarinettist of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the most important Serbian orchestra;
- Milan Orlovic, principal clarinetist of the Nis Military Orchestra;
- Darko Percevic, clarinet teacher at Music School “Stevan Mokranjac” in Negotin, who got his master’s degree from the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Switzerland and is currently pursuing his post-master’s degree at the University of the Arts in Belgrade, Serbia;
- Mihailo Samoran, second and E-flat clarinetist of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra and doctoral student in both clarinet performance and chamber music at the University of the Arts in Belgrade.
changeThe Council members are: Nicholas Cox (UK), Heike Fricke (Germany), James Gillespie (USA), Andrea Massimo Grassi (Italy), Alan R. Kay (USA), Joze Kotar (Slovenia), Milan Milosevic (Canada), Jean-Marie Paul (France), Kyrill Rybakov (Russia), Vladimir Skorokhodov (Belarus), Robert Spring (USA), Stephan Vermeersch (Belgium), Eva Wasserman-Margolis (Israel), Anton Weinberg (UK) and Floyd Williams (Australia).
change- European Clarinet Association - News Archived 2016-11-29 at the Wayback Machine
- European Clarinet Association Newsflash, July 2016, Retrieved on July 16, 2018