Palaeozoic Monsters
Palaeozoic Monsters, also known as Paleozoic: Age of the Bizarre, is a 2017 TV series focusing on prehistoric life before the dinosaurs. This series's creatures are used footages from many different TV series. It was the first installment in the Prehistoric Monsters franchise, or the Age of Trilogy.
changeThe series focuses on animals from all time periods before the dinosaurs: Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian.
changeName | Timeline | Location | Plot |
The Beginning of Life | Cambrian | Chinatown | This episode is set millions of years ago in Cambrian China. The Cambrian showcases a variety of strange arthropods, such as Haikouichthys and Anomalocaris. Even weirder is Hallucigenia. |
The Fish Strike Back | Silurian | England | The episode is set in Late Silurian England. Silurian England showcases a variety of strange fish, including Thyestes. Thyestes is hunted by the sea-dwelling scorpion Brontoscorpio, who gets preyed on by the giant eurypterid Pterygotus. |
Leaving the Water Behind | Devonian | Greenland | The episode is set in Late Devonian Greenland. It however, follows the tetrapodomorph Ichthyostega. Although arthropods have shrunk in size by this point, Ichthyostega is instead preyed upon by large predatory fish, such as Dunkleosteus, Stethacanthus and Orthacanthus. |
Mega-Bugs | Carboniferous | Kansas | This episode is set in Kansas during the Late Carboniferous period, in a coal forest. Giant insects rule this time, and early reptiles such as Petrolacosaurus also inhabit the coal forest. |
Sail-Backs | Permian | Texas | This episode is set in the Early Permian. Synapsids are now present in this time, and includes two types of pelycosaurs - the herbivorous Edaphosaurus and the meat-eating Dimetrodon, following a Dimetrodon who attempts to hunt various animals. |
The Great Dying | Permian | Siberia | The final episode is set in the Late Permian landscape of Siberia. Many animals inhabit this world, and these include the dicynodont Diictodon, the pareiasaur Scutosaurus, and the gorgonopsid Inostranceiva. The first appearance of the Inostranceiva is followed when a large individual successfully brings down a Scutosaurus. |