Romulus and Remus

twin brothers and central characters of Rome's foundation myth

Romulus and Remus were the legendary founders of Rome. In Roman mythology they were twin brothers, children of Rhea Silvia and the god Mars.

The she-wolf feeding Romulus and Remus

Birth and youth


Rhea Silvia was the daughter of Numitor Silvius, king of Alba Longa, a legendary town founded by Ascanius, son of Aeneas, prince of Troy. When Numitor's brother Amulius became king by force, he made Rhea Silvia a Vestal Virgin, so she would not have children who could be kings instead of him. But the god Mars seduced her and she had the twins Romulus and Remus. Rhea Silvia was punished, and her sons were thrown into the Tiber river as punishment, but were saved by the river god Tiberinus, who also saved Rhea Silvia and married her. Romulus and Remus were found by a she-wolf who suckled them. A woodpecker fed them. The twins were later found by a shepherd, Faustulus, who raised them. they were raised as shepherds, herding sheep, not knowing of their true bloodline. Over many years, the twins became natural leaders in their shared village. they eventually learned their past by a fight with Amulius, which saw Amulius killed in action. they had their grandfather Numitor reinstated as king.

The Founding of Rome


Once they were grown, they led a band of young men to go build a city. Romulus and Remus would build the city of Rome. However, the twins and men argued about where to start in Rome. Romulus favored the Palatine Hill for defense in an attack, but Remus favored the Aventine Hill, which was better placed for easy trading of goods. They decided to settle the disagreement by asking the gods. Each brother stood on his respective hill and made religious offerings. Remus saw six vultures fly overhead, and Romulus saw twelve land on his hill. Vultures are a symbol of Mars, their father. Romulus said that twelve vultures came, However, Remus countered that he had seen the birds first. Romulus then said that the birds had landed on his hill, making a clear sign. Remus went over to his hill to check, and there were twelve vultures on Romulus's hill. Remus and his group argued, rejected, and went to his hill. Nonetheless, Romulus and his group started to build a wall around his city by digging a trench first for his wall to be built. Remus saw this and jumped over the trench as an insult to his brother. he fought Romulus through words about this trench. These words within minutes became a full-on hand to hand fight. Angered at his brother's words, Romulus killed Remus in the fight. He was dismayed and he regretted his brother's death, so he took Remus's body to Amulius's old palace and buried him there.

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  Media related to Romulus and Remus at Wikimedia Commons



“Romulus and Remus.” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11 Aug. 2023,