Spring (season)
Spring is the season after winter and before summer. Days become longer and the weather gets warmer in the temperate zone because Earth tilts relative to it is orbital plane around the Sun. In many parts of the world, it rains for hours. This helps the plant grow and flower bloom. Often people with hay fever suffer more because some plant pollen is allergen. Many animals have their breeding season in spring-type weather. At the start of spring, a person suffering from seasonal affective disorder will feel sick. The vernal equinox in springtime makes day and night equally long in temperate zone.

Holidays celebrated in spring include Passover and Easter. In many countries, the period of school between early March and later May or early June is referred to as “Spring Semester” or “Spring Term”. Spring break is a vacation period in recent times at universities and schools in various countries around the globe.
Spring | Winter | ||
The Seasons |
Summer | Autumn |