About Me
changeI am a private person. If you know me, you know that! You would also know that I am smart, soft, sexy and serene. Don't let looks decieve you though. I am not perfectly innocent. Just a little short of purr-fect.
- I am Wiccan
- I am Vegan
- I am single
About My Learning
change- Being an American, under 20, studying in England and visiting family in Canada I have learned that international relations are complicated and should be left to the people, not politicians and diplomats.
I Teach A Course on Ecofeminism
changeSome of the more common dualisms addressed by ecofeminists are male/female, culture/nature, and mind/body, the former embodying all that is desired and "good" in Western society, the latter epitomizing those characteristics that should be denounced, shunned, or conquered. Ecofeminism seeks to move beyond this dualistic world view and restructure our notion of power; life-affirming, consensual relationships are to replace "power-over" relationships. The movement wants to create an interconnected community, void of hierarchies, where all beings -- human, non-human, and members of the organic world -- have their own intrinsic value and are part of the same living organism, the earth.
change- I have a facebook profile and you are welcome to contact me. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=778635256