"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

"I have the simplest of tastes. I'm only satisfied with the best." -Oscar Wilde

"As for me, all I know is that I know nothing." -Socrates

"Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools." - Albert Einstein

"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." -Isaac Newton

We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence is not an act,but a habit. -Aristotle

"As far as I'm concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue." - Albert Einstein

"Ridicule is the compliment mediocrity pays to genius" - Oscar Wilde

Hi ! I'm Kaustubh , from the valley of Kashmir. Thanks for visiting my channel . I'm enthusiastic student of electronics and astrophysics and the reason for joining youtube was to emulate certain things that fascinated me ever since I saw them here.In 10th grade , I went to witness my favorite band Iron Maiden (during their Somewhere Back In Time World Tour) in Mumbai , which was inspiration enough to start learning a six string.During course of time my playing has been developed by styles and various attributes I imbibe from my idol guitar players Yngwie Malmsteen and Steve Vai .Therefore my playing is mainly characterized by Yngve's harmonic minor/phrygian/diminished licks and vai's flamboyant modal style(though im not even 0.1% close to anyone of them).

I'm not a musician/composer/recording artist etc and hence don't like to be associated with such terms because my primary passion has always been sport(cricket) for a beautiful mind cannot reside in a sick body.I play my strat just to improvise and cover songs by my favorite artists. Being a student of electronics my foremost interests lie in microelectronics , microprocessors, programming , communication and gaming.Im always open to any sort of ideas/discussion or criticism as it gives me a oppurtunity to better and perfect myself.I think I do not have any special talent , but its just that I'm passionately curious.To me everything is about feel. People that influence me very greatly are my dad , bruce dickinson , sachin tendulkar , albert einstien , bill gates michael dell.