en-Wiki user. See talk there first.
But now that I'm active here, you can talk here too.

My Articles


Mostly on respirators. N95. NIOSH ratings. Elastomeric respirator. Dust mask. Sadly, given today's literacy rates, someone will probably make use of these articles in the future. If they're made aware of them, that is. Cause Simple English Wikipedia ain't popular.

Before you do anything...


I've got a feeling a lot of Simple English Wikipedia contributors are young and naïve. So if you're here, before you touch my user page, a word of advice:

  • Put simply: The virus can evolve way faster than you.

  • COVID can give you psychosis, as in, you won't be able to figure out if what you're seeing is real or not, if you have it. [1] [2]

Wear an N95.


I know it's hard...

...but if you want a crazy read, read the 'History during Pandemics' section on regular en-Wiki. I should know; I wrote the thing.