
A Abandon  : Leave, forsake. Abridge  : Shorten, curtail. Abundant  : Plentiful. B Behaviour : Demeanour. Bias : Predilection. Brutal : Savage, cruel. C

Callous : Hard, cruel.

Calm : Quiet, tranquil. Casual : Uncertain. D Damage : Loss, harm, injury. Decorate : Adron, embellish. Deformity : Malformation, disfigurement. E Earnest : Serious, solemn. Emergency : Exigency. Exceptional : Unusual, rare. F False : Untrue, spurious. Fascinate : Charm, enchant. Ferocious : Fierce, savage. G Geniune : Real. Gigantic : Colossal, great. Guilt : Sin, crime. H Haughty : Arrogant, proud. Hazardous : Dangerous, risky, perilous. Humility : Modesty, politeness. I Illiterate : Unlearned, ignorant. Imperious : Authoritative, dictatorial. Impertinent : Impudent, insolent, shameless. J Jolly : Jovial, merry. Judicious : Discreet, prudent. K Knavery : Fraud. L Laborious : Assiduous, industrious. Lament : Grieve, mourn. Lethargy : Sluggishness. M Magnificent : Splendid, grand. Marvellous : Wonderful. Meagre : Small. N Nice : Pleasant, agreeable. Notable : Remarkable, memorable. Notorious : Infamous. O Obliterate : Destory, efface. Obsolete : Antiquated. Opportune : Timely. P Pensive : Thoughtful. Perennial : Permanent, perpetual. Persuade : Induce, urge. Q Quaint : Queer, odd, singular. Queer : Strange, odd. Questionable : Doubtful. R Radiant : Bright, brilliant. Refined : Elegant. Rejoice : Delight. S Sacred : Holy, consecrated, pious. Satiate : Satisfy. Scanty : Slender, meagre. T Talkative : Garrulous. Temperate : Moderate. Thankful : Grateful, obliged. U Ugly : Repulsive. Urbane : Polite, courteous, suave. Urge : Press, incite. V Vacillatge : Waver Venerable : Respectable. Vigilance : Watchfulness. W Wealthy : Rich. Wickedness : Evil. Wild : Savage. Y Yield : Surrender Yielding : Submissive. Z Zeal : Passion. Zenith : Top, summit.


A Ability : Disability. Accept : Reject, refuse. Acquit : Convict. B Barbarous : Civilized. Barren : Fertile. Base : Noble. C Callous : Soft, tender. Care : Neglect. Censure : Praise, applaud. D Danger : Safety. Deep : Shallow. Delight : Despleasure, sorrow. E Early : Late. Elevation : Depression. Emancipate : Enslave. F Fabulous : Actual, real. Failure : Success. Fickle : Constant. G Gain : Loss. Genuine : False. Gloomy : Gay. H Happiness : Sorrow, sadness. Help : Hinder. Honour : Dishonour, shame. I Imperative : Optional. Increase : Decrease. Inhale : Exhale. J Joyful : Sad, depressed. Junior : Senior. Justice : Injustice. K Kind : Cruel. Knowledge : Ignorance. L Lack : Plenty. Legal : Illegal. Legible : Illegible. M Mad : Sane. Malice : Goodwill. Master : Servant. N Natural : Artificial. Noble : Base, Ignoble. Normal : Abnormal. O Obstinate : Yielding. Offensive : Pleasing, defensive. Optional : Compulsory. P Part (n) : Yielding. Part (v) : Join. Particular : General. Q Quick : Slow, tardy. R Raise : Lower. Rash : Steady, cautious. Rear : Front. S Sacred : Unholy, profane. Satisfaction : Dissatisfaction. Scanty : Plentiful. T Tedious : Lively. Temperate : Intemperate. Thankful : Thankless. U Ugly : Beautiful. Union : Disunion, discord, split. Urban : Rural. V Vain : Modest. Violent : Gentle. Virtue : Vice. W Wane : Wax Want : Abundance. War : Peace. Y Yield : Resist. Youth : Age. Z Zeal : Indifference. Zenith : Nadir.

                                                                  Foreign Words & Phrases

1. Ab initio (Latin) — from the beginning. 2. Aborigine (Latin) — Native, any of the earliest known inhabitants of a certain region. 3. Action naire (French) — Shareholder. 4. Actuality (French) — Real existence; appropriateness. 5. Ad hoc (Latin) — for the special purpose. 6. Ad interim (Latin) — In the meantime; temporary. 7. Ad libitum (Latin) — as one pleases. 8. Ad referendum (Latin) — for further consideration. 9. Ad valorem (Latin) — According to value. 10. A Deo (Italian) — To God; — a ddio! Adieu! 11. Bacchus (Latin, Greek) — the god of wine. 12. Baste (Italian) — Enough ! no More ! 13. Bastide (French) — A French country house. 14. Beau garcon (French) — A handsome man. 15. Beau jour (French) — Fine day, good times. 16. Beaux-arts (French) — the fine arts. 17. Beneficiary (French) — the person receiving benifits. 18. Bene qui latiut bene vixit (Latin) — He has lived\ell who has lived obscure. 19. Billet-doux (French) — A love letter. 20. Cadre (French) — A frame, a scheme; a list of officers. 21. Cafe (French) — Coffee. 22. Camaraderie (French) — Comrade; Friendly fellowship. 23. Carpe diem (Latin) — Enjoy the present day. 24. Cara sposa (Italian) — Dear wife. 25. Chef (French) — A cook in charge of a kitchen; head cook 26. Chesara ’ Sara ’ (Italian) — What will be will be. 27. Dank , Schoon(German) — Many thanks. 28. De bonne grace (French) — with good grace. 29. De facto (Latin) — In fact, actually. 30. De jure (Latin) — In the law; by right. 31. Dei gratin (Latin) — by the grace of God. 32. Deluxe (French) — Luxurious. 33. Ecce! (Latin) — Behold! 34. Edition deluxe (French) — A splendid and expensive edition of a book. 35. Elegant (French) — A person of fashion. 36. Elite (French) — the best part. 37. En family (French) — with one’s family; at home; in an informal way. 38. En masse (French) — in a group, universally. 39. Extra (Latin) — Beyond, outside the scope of. 40. Fade (French) — to become less distinct.

                                                   ONE  WORD  SUBSTITUTION
                                                          LIST -I

ABATTOIR : A place where animals are slaughtered. ACCOMPLICE : A partner in crime. AESTHETE : A person with a highly developed sense of beauty. AFFLUENT : Wealthy; having abundance of money. AGORAPHOBIA : Unreasonable fear of open spaces. ALLEVIATE : To lessen, make less severe. ALTRUIST : One who does good work for others without thought of personal gain. AMBIDEXTROUS : Able to use the left hand as well as the right. AMBIGUOUS : A word or statement which can be interpreted in two ways. ANACHRONISM : That which appears to be in the wrong period. ANGLOPHILE : An admirer of the English people, language, manners or way of life. ANGLOPHOBE : One who dislikes the English and England. ARMISTICE : An agreement to stop fighting in a war. ARISTOCRACY : A government run by the rich and the elite people; a class of well-born people. ARTISTE : Professional singer, dancer etc. ATHEIST : A person who does not believe in the existence of God. AUTOCRACY : A government where the power is concentrated in the hands of one person. AUTOPSY : Medical examination of a dead body. BANKRUPT : A person who cannot pay his debts. BARBARIAN : An uncivilised person. BARRICADE : Hastily erected barrier across a street. BELLIGERENT : One who is engaged in fighting a battle or war. BIBLIOGRAPHY : A list of writings on a subject. BIBLIOPHILE : One who loves books. BIOGRAPHY : The story of a person’s life. BLASPHEMOUS : One who is irreverent towards God. BREVITY : Briefness; shortness of time. BREWERY : A place where beer is made. BUREAUCRACY : A government run by civil servants. CALLIGRAPHY : The art of beautiful hand writing. CARDIOLOGIST : A doctor specialising in matters relating to the heart. CATHOLICITY : Broad outlook, free from prejudice. CELIBACY : The state of being unmarried. CHARLATAN : One who deceives others by claiming to be an expert. CIRCUMLOCUTION : A roundabout way of expression. CLAUSTROPHOBIA : A morbid fear of confined spaces. COAGULATE : Change from liquid into solid by chemical reaction. COLLOQUIAL : Suitable for ordinary informal conversation. COMBUSTIBLE : That which can catch fire and burn easily. COMEDIAN : One who plays funny parts in plays or films. COMMODITY : An article of trade or commerce. COMPATRIOT : A person belonging to one’s own country. COMPLEXION : The natural colour and appear-ance of skin. COMPULSORY : That which must be done. CONDUCTOR : That which acts as a path for electricity, heat etc. CONNOISSEUR : A person who is competent to pass critical judgement upon anything. CONSCRIPT : A person who is compelled by law to serve in the armed forces. CONSORTIUM : A combination of several businesses for a common purpose. CONTAGIOUS : That which spreads easily, especially a disease. CONTRETEMPS : An unlucky event, an unexpected set-back. CONTROVERSIAL : That which causes debate or argument. CONVENTION (2) : A formal assembly or conference of people of the same business to discuss practices. CORRIGENDUM : Something to be corrected in a printed book. COUNTERFEIT : Copy something exactly in order to deceive. COUP D’ÉTAT : Sudden overthrow of a government, especially by force. CRUISE : A sea voyage for pleasure. CYGNET : A young swan. CYNIC : One who has little faith in human sincerity or honesty. DEBACLE : A sudden complete failure. DENOUEMENT : The last part of a play, book etc. where all the complications of the plot are solved. DETERGENT : A cleaning agent, especially a synthetic substance. DETERRENT : Something to discourage people from doing wrong. DILETTANTE : An admirer of the fine arts. DISARMAMENT : Reduction of weapons by governments. DISINFORMATION : False information spread intentionally to spread propaganda. DOMICILE : A place where one lives permanently. DRAGNET : A system of connected actions and methods for catching criminals. DRUDGERY : Hard, uninteresting work. DUET : Song sung by two people together. EBULLIENT : High-spirited, exuberant. EFFEMINATE : A man who has the qualities of a woman. ENCYCLOPAEDIA : A book giving information on all branches of knowledge. ENTOMOLOGY : The scientific study of insects. EPIC : A long narrative poem. EPILOGUE : Concluding part of a literary work. ERGONOMICS : The study of the efficiency of people in their working environment. ERR : Make a mistake, do wrong. ESTUARY : The wide mouth of a river. EVOLUTION : Gradual development from simple life forms to complex ones. EXCISE : Tax on goods produced and used in a country. EXERTION : Making an effort; trying very hard to do something. EXTEMPORE : A speech made without any previous thought or preparation. EXTERMINATE : To put an end to something by killing. EXTROVERT : A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others. EXUBERANT : Lively, high-spirited. FALLACY : A false idea or belief. FARCE : A light-hearted humorous play with silly action. FASTIDIOUS : One who cannot be easily pleased. FAVOURITISM : The practice of giving favoured treatment to certain people. FEBRILE : Of or caused by fever. FEMINIST : A supporter of the cause of women. FIANCÉE : A girl to whom a man is engaged to be married. FISSION : Splitting of the nucleus of an atom. FLOGGING : Severe beating with a whip. FLUVIAL : Of, found in, or produced by rivers. FOOLSCAP : A size of paper, also called ‘legal’ format. FOREMAN : A skilled worker in charge of other workmen. FOURTH ESTATE : Influential newspapers and journalists. FRANCOPHILE : An admirer of the French people, language, manners or way of life. FRANCOPHOBE : One who dislikes the French and France. FRATRICIDE : The murder of one’s brother. FREIGHT : Goods carried by train, ship etc. FUDDY-DUDDY : An elderly person who does not understand or approve of modern ideas. FUMIGATE : To clear of disease, bacteria etc., by means of chemical smoke. GARAGE : A building in which motorcars are parked. GARRULOUS : One who talks too much about uninteresting things. GASTRONOMY : The art and science of cooking and eating good food. GENOCIDE : Elimination or killing of a whole race. GERMANOPHILE : An admirer of the German people, language, manners r way of life. GERMANOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Germans and Germany. GERMICIDE : A medicine that kills germs. GLACIER : A mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain valley. GLUT : A larger supply than necessary. GRAFFITI : Rough drawing or writing on public walls. GRAMINIVORE : An animal that eats grain. GRATIS : Without payment, free of cost. GUBERNATORIAL : Of a governor. HALLUCINATION : Seeing something which is not actually present. HAVEN : A place of calm and safety. HEDONIST : One who lives for pleasure. HERBIVORE : A plant-eating animal. HISTRIONICS : Overreacting in a theatrical manner. HOLOCAUST : Great destruction and the loss of many lives; the masskilling of Jews in World War II. HOLSTER : A leather holder for a pistol. HOMICIDE : The killing of one man by another man. HOMONYM : A word which agrees with another in pronun-ciation and perhaps also in spelling but is different in meaning. HONORARY : An office for which no salary is paid. HOOLIGAN : A noisy rough person who causes trouble. HORTICULTURE : The art of garden cultivation. HUB : The central part of a wheel. HYPERCRITICAL : Excessively critical. HYPOCHONDRIAC : One who has exaggeratedanxiety about his health. HYPOCRITICAL : Pretence of virtue or goodness; saying one thing while thinking another. HYPOTHESIS : Supposition made as basis or reasoning. IDEALISM : Practice of forming and following ideals. IDEOLOGY : Set of ideas at the basis of certain economic or political systems. IDOLATRY : Worship of idols. IGNORAMUS : A thoroughly ignorant person. ILLEGAL : That which is contrary to law. ILLEGIBLE : Handwriting which cannot be read. ILLITERATE : One who is unable to read or write. IMMEMORIAL : Too old to be remembered, ancient beyond memory. IMMINENT : About to happen. IMMORTAL : That which never dies. IMPASSABLE : That which cannot be passed through. IMPLACABLE : Impossible to satisfy, change or make less angry. IMPREGNABLE : That which cannot be attacked or taken by force. INACCESSIBLE : That cannot be approached or reached. INAUSPICIOUS : Not of good omen. INCORPOREAL : Without a body. INCREDIBLE : That cannot be believed. INDEFATIGABLE : One who is incapable of being tired. INDELIBLE : Incapable of being effaced or cancelled or obliterated. INDIGENOUS : Belonging naturally to a place. INDOPHILE : An admirer of the Indian people, its culture, manners or way of life. INDOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Indians and India. INEDIBLE : Something which cannot be eaten. INEVITABLE : That which is bound to happen. INEXPLICABLE : That which cannot be explained. INFLAMMABLE : Capable of catching fire. INFLATE : To fill with air or gas. INGENIOUS : Very clever. INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated. INNATE : That which one is born with. INNOCUOUS : That which is quite harmless. INTANGIBLE : That cannot be mentally grasped. INTELLIGENTSIA : The class of people who think independently. INTOLERABLE : That which cannot be endured. INTROSPECTION : Examination of one’s own mental processes. INTUITION : Immediate apprehension by mind reasoning. INVINCIBLE : That cannot be conquered or defeated. INVULNERABLE : That which cannot be wounded. IRREPARABLE : That which cannot be repaired. IRREPROACHABLE : So good that no criticism can be made. JAYWALK : To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way. JOEY : A young kangaroo. JUDICIOUS : Wise, sound in judgement. KIMONO : A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan. KNIGHTHOOD : The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name. LACKEY : One who behaves like a servant by always obeying. LAMINATE : To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic. LEGIBLE : Capable of being read clearly. LEONINE : Of or like a lion. LEXICOGRAPHER : One who compiles dictionaries. LIBERTARIAN : One who believes that one should have freedom of expression. LIMERICK : A humorous short poem with five lines. LITERATI : People with knowledge of literature. LOQUACIOUS : One who talks a lot. LOWBROW : One who has no interest in literature, art etc. LULLABY : A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep. MACHETE : A knife with a broad heavy blade. MAGNUM OPUS : A great work of art, particularly literary. MALEDICTION : Evil, vicious speech. MANUAL : A book giving information about how to work something. MANUSCRIPT : Handwritten script of a book. MARTINET : A strict disciplinarian. MASCOT : Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck. MASOCHIST : One who enjoys pain or humiliation. MEDIOCRE : One who is neither intelligent nor dull. MEGALOMANIA : The belief that one is extremely important. MELODIOUS : Sweet sounding. MERCANTILE : Of trade and business. METEOROLOGY : The scientific study of weather conditions. METICULOUS : A person who is very careful about details. MILITIA : Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army. MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind. MISOGAMIST : One who hates marriage.. MISOGYNIST : One who hates women. MONOMANIAC : One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only. MONOTHEISM : The practice of worshipping only one god. MULTINATIONAL : A company having branches in many countries. MYCOLOGY : The scientific study of fungi. NAUSEA : Strong feeling of wanting to vomit. NAUTICAL : Of sailors, ships or sailing. NEMESIS : Downfall that satisfies natural justice. NEOLOGISM : A new word. NEPOTISM : Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives. NOTARY : A public official who makes written statements official. NUMISMATIC : One who collects coins. OBITUARY : Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper. OBLIGATORY : That which is required to be done by law. OBSOLETE : That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model. OMNIPOTENT : One who is all powerful. OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything. OMNIVOROUS : One who eats anything. ONTOLOGY : Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence. OPTHALMOLOGIST : An eye-doctor. OPTOMETRIST : A technician who measures your eyesight. PACHYDERM : A thick-skinned animal ,especially an elephant or rhinoceros. PACIFIST : One who believes in the abolition of war. PALAEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient writing. PALAEONTOLOGY : The study of fossils. PANACEA : A remedy which can cure all diseases. PARADOX : Contradictory statement. PARASITE : One that lives on another. PARIAH : One who is not accepted by society. PATENT : Sole right to make and sell one’s own invention. PAUNCH : A man’s fat stomach. PEDANT : One who exhibits his book learning. PENULTIMATE : Last but one. PERQUISITE : Gain over and above one’s salary. PETROLOGY : The scientific study of rocks. PHILISTINE : Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture. PHILOLOGIST : One who is well versed in the science of languages. PIGMENT : The natural colouring matter of plants and animals. PLAINTIFF : One who bring a charge against someone in court. PLATONIC : A very close, non-sexual friendship between two people. PLEBEIAN : Of the lower social classes. POLYANDRY : The practice of having more than one husband at the same time. POLYGAMY : The practise of having more than one husband or wife at the same time. POLYGLOT : One who speaks many languages. POLYGRAPH : A lie-detector. POSTHUMOUS : A child born after the death of its father. POSTSCRIPT : A note added at the end of a letter, after the signature. PRAGMATIST : One who uses common sense. PRESCIENT : Able to foretell what will happen in the future. PROFILE (1) : A side view of someone’s head. PROPELLANT : An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket. PSEUDONYM : A pen-name assumed by a writer. PULMONARY : Of or having an effect on the lungs. QUIXOTIC : Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger. RACONTEUR : One who is good at telling stories in an interesting way. RAPPORT : A good relationship between two people. RECEPTIVE : Capable of receiving new ideas. RED TAPISM : Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay. REFLATION : A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation. REINFORCE : Strengthen by additional men or material. RENAISSANCE : A renewal of interest in art, literature etc. REQUISITION : An official demand or request. RETRIBUTION : A severe deserved punishment. RINGLEADER : One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble. RODENT : A small herbivore usually considered a pest.. RUSSOPHILE : An admirer of the Russian people, language, manners or way of life. RUSSOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Russians and Russia. SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction especially of a factory, etc. dy dissatis-fied workers. SACRILEGE : The violation or profaning of sacred things. SANATORIUM : A place for invalids and convalescents. SANCTIMONIOUS : Making a show of piety. SCAFFOLD : A structure on which criminals used to be hanged. SCEPTIC : Person who doubts the truth of what he is told. SCUBA : An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water. SEDENTARY : Done while sitting down. SEER : One who can see into the future. SENSATIONALISM : The intentional producing of excitement or shock. SEPTUAGENARIAN : One in his seventies. SILHOUETTE : Black shadow-like picture on white background. SIMULTANEOUSLY : Taking place or happening at the same time. SINECURE : Any office with good salary but no work. SINOPHILE : An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way of life. SINOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Chinese and China. SMALL FRY : Unimportant people. SNIPPET : A small piece from something spoken or written. SOJOURN : A short stay at a place. SPINSTER : An unmarried woman. STALE : Something which is not fresh. STAMPEDE : A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals. STELLAR : Of the stars. STOCKBROKER : One who buys and sell shares for others. STOIC : One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure. STRATAGEM : A trick to deceive an enemy. STRINGENT : Very strict. SUBCUTANEOUS : Beneath the skin. SUB JUDICE : A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law. SUBSIDY : Money paid by a government to make prices lower. SUBVERSIVE : Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority. SUPERANNUATED : Too old for work. SURREAL : Having a strange, dreamlike unreal quality. TABLEAU : A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak. TAXIDERMY : The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses. TECHNOCRAT : A specialist in technology. TEETOTALLER : One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks. TERMINATE : Come or bring to an end. THEIST : One who believes in the existence of God. THEOCRACY : Government by priests. TIMBER : Wood cut down for building etc. TOPIARY : The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes. TRAITOR : One who is disloyal to his country. TYRANT : A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly. UNISEX : Of one type, used by both males and females. UNANIMOUS : A decision taken by the votes of all. UPSTART : A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance. UXORICIDE : The killing of one’s wife. UXORIOUS : Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.

                                                              LIST -II

CREDULOUS : Ready to believe without sufficient evidence ARISTOCRACY : Government by the nobility PLUTOCRACY : Government by the wealthy people DEMAGOGUE : A person who can sway his followers by his oratory DESPERADO : One ready to do any reckless or criminal act EDIBLE : Fit for food EPICURIAN : One who devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking ELECTROCUTE : Killing by means of an electric current ENDEMIC : A disease confined to a particular district or place EXTROVERT : One whose interest are directed outward EPHEMERAL : Existing only for a day. EMBALM : To preserve a dead body from decaying EPITOME : A brief summary of a book ENIGMA : A person, thing or circumstance that is puzzling EMBARGO : An order prohibiting ships to leave the port ENTOMOLOGY : The study of insects FIANCEE : One engaged to be married FARRIES : One who shoes horses FUGITIVE : One who runs away from justice or the law FANATIC : a person filled with excessive entusiasm, especially in religion GEOLOGIST : One who studies about rocks and soils GARRISON : Military force stationed in a fortress HOMICIDE : The act of killing a human being HAWKER : One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles HEDONIST : One who believes that pleasure is the highest tool. HORTICULTURE : The art of cultivating and managing gardens HYPERBOLE : Exaggerated statement made for the sake of effect HOSTAGE : Person given to an enemy as a pledge INVALID : A person who is sick INCENDIARY : One who maliciously sets fire to building INSOLVENT : One who cannot pay one’s debts IGNORAMUS : An ignorant person IMMIGRANT : One who comes into a foreign country to settle there INVINCIBLE : That which cannot be conqured INCOMBUSTIBLE : Incapable of being burnt INVISIBLE : That which cannot be seen IMMORTAL : Living for ever INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated INDEFATIGABLE : Persons that cannot be wearied INTERNECINE : Causing destruction to both sides INTERPOLATE : make (spurious & misleading) additions to a book JUXTAPOSE : To place side by side LETHAL : causing death LACONIC : Expressing in a few words LAUNDRY : A place where clothes are washed and ironed LIMNOLOGY : The study of lakes and other fresh water bodies MANIFESTO : A declaration of plans and promises put forward by a political party MIGRATE : To move from one country to another METEOROLOGIST : One who studies the elements of weather. MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind METALLURGY : The science dealing with the production of metals MONOLOGUE : A long speech by one person MOBILIZE : To collect together for service in war MAUSOLEUM : A magnificent tomb MACHIAVELLIAN : Unscrupulous in gaining what is wanted MEMENTO : Something kept or given as a reminder MIVIPAROUS : Producing young that are fully developed . MEGALOMANIAC : A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful. NUMISMATICS : The study of coins NICHE : A hollow place in wall NEOLOGISM : A new word coined by an author NEPOTISM : Special favour shown by a person in high position to his relatives. ORCHARD : A place where fruit trees are grown OPTIMIST : One who looks on the bright side of things. OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything OMNIPRESENT : One who is present everywhere OCULIST : One who attends to the diseases of the eye ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds OBITUARY : An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased OSTLER : One who attends to horses at an inn OPTICIAN : One who makes or sells eye-glasses OOLOGY : The study of eggs OCCIDENTAL : Belonging to the west OSTRACIZE : Expel from society POSTHUMOUS : Occurring after death PLAGIARISM : Literary theft, or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own. PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks PARASITE : A plant or animal growing on another PANACEA : A cure for all diseases PHILATELIST : One who collects postage stamps PHILANTHROPIST : One who devotes his service or wealth for the love of mankind. PEDANT : One who makes a display of his learning PEDLAR : One who goes from house to house selling small articles. PAEDIATRICIAN : Doctors who treat children’s diseases PALAEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient modes of writing PHONETICS : The science of speech, sounds and their production PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks PROTAGONIST : Chief person in a drama, story etc. PSEUDONYM : A fictitious name used by an author QUACK : One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine. QUARANTINE : Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection. RUMINANT : A cud-chewing animal REFUGEE : One who takes refuge in a foreign country. REINSTATE : Put back in a former station or condition. RACONTEUR : One who tells anecdotes or stories SOMNAMBULIST : One who walk in his sleep SPENDTHRIFT : One who spends too much SCULPTOR : One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc. SURGEON : One who treats diseases by operations SANATORIUM : A hospital esp, for tuberculosis patients and convalescents. SYMPOSIUM : Collection of views of several persons on a topic SYNONYM : A word with the same meaning as another SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction of a plant by workmen SIMULTANEOUS : happening or done at the same time SUPERFLUOUS : More than is needed TEETOTALLER : One who doesn’t consume alchoholic drinks TRAITOR : One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc. TAXIDERMY : The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, birds and fish. TOPOGRAPHY : The art of representing the physical features of a place on a map. THESAURUS : Lexicon, esp, a collection of words TABOO : An act which religion or custon regards as forbidden. TRANSMIGRATION : Belief that the soul passes at death into another body. UTOPIAN : Ideally perfect but impracticable UNDERTAKER : A tradesman who manages funerals UPHOLSTERER : One who makes or deals in carpets, curtains, beds, cushioned seats, etc. USURER : One who lends money at an excessive rate of interest UPSTART : One who has suddenly risen to wealth and importance ULTIMATUM : final proposal of terms given by one party to another UNANIMOUS : Of the same opinion VETERINARIAN : One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals VAGABOND : One who wanders without settled home VALETUDINARIAN : One who is overanxious about one’s health VOLUNTEER : One who takes part in an enterprise of his own free will VERBATIM : Word for word VERSATILE : Of many sided ability VICARIOUS : Done for another WARREN : A place for breeding or preserving rabbits WINNOW : To separate the husks from the grain WANTON : Recklessly inconsiderate WIDOWER : A man whose wife is dead XENOMANIAC : A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living ZOO : A place where many kinds of animals are kept for show ZOOLOGY : The science of animal life


1. ANODYNE 1. annihilated 2. soothing 3. eidolon 4. not necessary 2. AMBROSIA 1. poison 2. plentiful 3. scarcity 4. elixir 3. AMULET 1. symbol 2. charm 3. hole 4. none of these 4. ASSUAGE 1. scare 2. allay 3. enhance 4. surrender 5. ACCLIVITY 1. declivity 2. proclivity 3. upwards 4. slanting 6. APHASIA 1. garrulity 2. loquacity 3. reticence 4. remembrance 7. ANNUL 1. encourage 2. commiserate 3. mummify 4. rescind 8. APOTHECARY 1. doctor 2. hunter 3. vagabond 4. pharmacist 9. AU REVOIR 1. welcome 2. appellation 3. good-bye 4. superb 10. APLOMB 1. poise 2. diffidence 3. circuitous 4. tumult Directions (Q 11-20):Pick out the antonym of the lead word in each case. 11. AMELIORATE 1. enervate 2. deteriorate 3. stultify 4. none of these 12. ASININE 1. brilliant 2. vulpine 3. feline 4. leonine 13. APPARITION 1. real 2. unreal 3. joint 4. enhancement 14. SANGUINE 1. red 2. morose 3. suffering 4. approaching 15. SAGGY 1. taut 2. sagacious 3. delinquent 4. developing 16. SURLY 1. curly 2. amazon 3. bilious 4. pugilist 17. SOPHISTRY 1. polemics 2. urbanity 3. pertinence 4. didactics 18. SOBRIQUET 1. snout 2. cognomen 3. genuine 4. bouquet 19. SUFFRAGE 1. suffering 2. celibacy 3. forestry 4. franchise 20. SATED 1. suave 2. inadept 3. contented 4. ruffled up Directions (Q 21-25): Pick out the best analogy in each case. 21. ASSORTED: SEBACEOUS 1. firm: supple 2. sultry: azure 3. subaltern: hoi polloi 4. stratified: layered 22. ANACONDA: SERPENTINE 1. ape: simian 2. cat: asinine 3. milk: cutaneous 4. amen: amenine 23. SALACIOUS: SCANDALOUS 1. piquant: bland 2. sylvan: urban 3. sham: veracious 4. sultry: humid 24. SENTENTIOUS: SUMMARY 1. senile: dotage 2. abrasive: praise 3. ablutions: dirt 4. avaricious: truthful 25. AVUNCULAR: UNCLE 1. salubrious: climate 2. annotation: anthology 3. screech: scrub 4. stately: king Directions (Q 26-30): Pick out the word with incorrect spellings in each case. 26. 1. apotheosize 2. abjure 3. appelate 4. apiary 27. 1. sanctimionious 2. sepulchral 3. spectre 4. Samaritan 28. 1. alveolar 2. apnea 3. autoarchy 4. anarchy 29. 1. silviculture 2. Socratic 3. somnambulism 4. sinuous 30. 1. suffused 2. sandwitched 3. sayonara 4. surmise Directions (Q 31-40): Mentally unjumble the following words so as to arrange them in the right order and tell which letter comes at the last of the word so formed 31. N I M A N R E S V O I N A D 32. T S I E Y A B R 33. E I M Y T S 34. E C I P S S U O 35. S U O I M S B A E T 36. O A T R I D 37. G A I N R R A 38. S H I U Q U A E M 39. B A R L A E 40. D A M U D E N D Directions (Q 41-50): Fill in the blanks with suitable choices out of those given after each word. 41. The article written by the philosopher was so ______ that I could not get a thing out of it. 1. avuncular 2. adroit 3. apposite 4. abstruse 42. The language used by you must be easily understandable by all if you wish to reach out to the common man, it must not be ______ . 1. stultified 2. stilted 3. supplicate 4. surly 43. Nobody expected him to win, yet he scraped through, it must have been some ______ on his part. 1. artifice 2. arroyo 3. attenuation 4. avarice 44. Her ______ manners in the face of difficulty impressed me most of all. 1. sacrilegious 2. sangfroid 3. supernumerary 4. surrogate 45. Such legal ______ is pretty common, in when the truth is shown as the utmost wrong and vice-versa. 1. skepticism 2. surreptitiousness 3. skullduggery 4. acme 46. He was a teetotaller and strictly believed in observing _____ 1. sanguinary 2. sentry 3. sobriety 4. succulence 47. The child looked very ______ and its innocent pranks endeared it to everyone in the house. 1. seraphic 2. sedulous 3. specious 4. staunch 48. Indira Gandhi was the most ______ speaker I had ever heard until I came to know Atal Behari Vajpayee. 1. artless 2. arcane 3. articulate 4. accoutred 49. Such an ______ meeting I never expected to take place. 1. adventitious 2. audacious 3. serene 4. supernal 50. It does not look ______ if you do not go there on such a solemn occasion. 1. sabbatical 2. salubrious 3. senile 4. seemly Directions (Q 51-60): Pick out the synonym of the lead word in each case. 51. ARTLESS 1. lacking art 2. boring 3. dexterous 4. innocent 52. SUPERNAL 1. superb 2. eternal 3. chimerical 4. trash 53. SUBTERFUGE 1. underground 2. legerdemain 3. joining 4. separation 54. SABBATICAL 1. clergy-related 2. study leave 3. ecumenical 4. narrow 55. ADMONISH 1. admire 2. take back 3. reprimand 4. encourage 56. ADVERT 1. insinuate 2. eulogize 3. scold 4. lucky 57. SUPERCILIOUS 1. haughty 2. modest 3. truthful 4. voracious 58. ACRID 1. aromatic 2. pungent 3. sonorous 4. pulchritudinous 59. SCOURGE 1. nemesis 2. secure 3. suffering 4. suffrage 60. ANNIHILATE 1. destroy 2. wither 3. tolerate 4. exterminate Directions (Q 61-70): Pick out the antonym of the lead word in each case. 61. SYBARITE 1. ascetic 2. conceited 3. chilling 4. sultry 62. SURMOUNT 1. overcome 2. surrender 3. get off 4. remonstrate 63. ACCENTUATE 1. extenuate 2. attenuate 3. supplicate 4. slanting 64. SQUEAMISH 1. cordial 2. juxtaposed 3. quixotic 4. queasy 65. ABSTEMIOUS 1. parsimonious 2. abstinent 3. Epicurean 4. Samaritan 66. SMUG 1. contented 2. discontented 3. cool 4. hot 67. AGNOSTIC 1. atheist 2. touching 3. unsure 4. sure 68. ARRAIGN 1. answer 2. exonerate 3. covet 4. demit 69. SALUBRIOUS 1. salutary 2. negative 3. stratified 4. wayward 70. SPORADIC 1. intermittent 2. weekly 3. continuous 4. contumacious Directions (Q 71-75): Pick out the best analogy in each case. 71. SOPHOMORE: ADEPT 1. sophisticated: clumsy 2. intern: veteran 3. apiary: aviary 4. inane: pertinent 72. SUBLIMINAL: ABSTRUSE 1. encomium: eclectic 2. recondite: reconnaissance 3. subconscious: arcane 4. none of these 73. SERENDIPITY: DESCRY 1. meticulous: plan 2. surrogate: suborn 3. deviancy: delinquency 4. veracity: plenty 74. SANGFROID: SURLY 1. abrogate: renounce 2. rescind: repeal 3. aromatic: acrid 4. adventitious s: lucky 75. SIMILE: SULLIED 1. halcyon: veracious 2. appellation: title 3. sensual: sensuous 4. subjugate: vanquish Directions (Q 76-90): Pick out the word with incorrect spellings in each case. 76. 1. adumberate 2. adduce 3. adulterate 4. adjudicator 77. 1. ancillary 2. anecedote 3. anguine 4. annuity 78. 1. annotate 2. annul 3. anneel 4. anoint 79. 1. squall 2. sputter 3. squailid 4. stallion 80. 1. suasion 2. subrogation 3. sucide 4. suite 81. 1. somersault 2. superfluous 3. supererogation 4. sovereignity 82. 1. syanagogue 2. synergism 3. strut 4. stubble 83. 1. stodgy 2. statueseque 3. stentorian 4. stereochiometry 84. 1. splurge 2. spitoon 3. spondylitis 4. spontaneity 85. 1. splutter 2. sepulchral 3. sphygmomanometre 4. spermatozoa 86. 1. adversary 2. aetiology 3. aeronautics 4. affronted 87. 1. assiduous 2. agnomen 3. anaemia 4. aservate 88. 1. animadevrt 2. anomaly 3. animous 4. antediluvian 89. 1. antithetical 2. anthropomorphism 3. antilope 4. antenatal 90. 1. aperception 2. apostasy 3. apprentice 4. apposition Directions (Q 91-95): Mentally unjumble the following words so as to arrange them in the right order and tell which letter comes at the last of the word so formed 91. P O R O S A P 92. P A P S R I E 93. C I D A S M P S O 94. X I H P S N 95. T E I P S Directions (Q 96-100): Fill in the blanks with suitable choices out of those given after each word. 96. His ______ tastes often led to his being dubbed as a maverick. 1. sovereign 2. sartorial 3. sobriquet 4. soporific 97. However sacred a person, may be, but he must not be ________ 1. sanctimonious 2. slithering 3. sickly 4. skittish 98. He was very scared of his father and therefore tried to ________ himself. 1. sire 2. soliloquize 3. shrug 4. skulk 99. The achievements made in the field of science during the last century were ________ indeed, not a fraction of this progress had been made in the 19 centuries preceding it. 1. Seminal 2. Semitic 3. Simian 4. seething 100. Most of the stories regarding the miracles performed by various religious prophets are ________ , there is no historical evidence to support them. 1. apocalyptic 2. antediluvian 3. apocryphal 4. aphasic The answers are given below. Like this page to show the answers 1. 2, 2. 4, 3. 4, 4. 2, 5. 3 6. 3, 7. 4, 8. 4, 9. 3, 10. 1 11. 2, 12. 1, 13. 1, 14. 2, 15. 1 16. 3, 17. 1, 18. 2, 19. 4, 20. 3 21. 2, 22. 1, 23. 4, 24. 1, 25. 4 26. 3, 27. 1, 28. 3, 29. 4, 30. 2 31. N (word is animadversion), 32. E (word is sybarite), 33. E (word is stymie), 34. S (word is specious), 35. S (word is biomass) 36. T (word is adroit), 37. N (word is arraign), 38. S (word is quais), 39. E (word is arable), 40. M (word is addendum) 41. 4, 42. 2, 43. 1, 44. 2, 45. 3 46. 3, 47. 1, 48. 3, 49. 1, 50. 4 51. 4, 52. 1, 53. 2, 54. 2, 55. 3 56. 1, 57. 1, 58. 2, 59. 3, 60. 4 61. 1, 62. 2, 63. 2, 64. 4, 65. 3 66. 2, 67. 4, 68. 1, 69. 2, 70. 3 71. 2, 72. 3, 73. 1, 74. 3, 75. 1 76. 1, 77. 2, 78. 3, 79. 3, 80. 3 81. 4, 82. 1, 83. 2, 84. 2, 85. 3 86. 1, 87. 4, 88. 3, 89. 3, 90. 1 91. APROPOS, 92. APPRISE, 93. SPASMODIC, 94. SPHINX, 95. SPITE 96. 2, 97. 1, 98. 3, 99. 1, 100. 3